IR-082C 4-Wire Oversized Apartment Intercom Station
IK-204R 2-Station Door Answering Intercom Kit
Using the reliable PK-534A intercom amplifier and the IR-204E inside remote station as common components, the new IK-204R and IK-204S intercom kits provide economical and efficient door answering capability. Visitors call from either aluminum (IK-204R kit) or stainless steel (IK-204S kit) remote station. A call tone is sent to the IR-204E inside station, which then controls Talk, Listen (and optional door release) functions.
Also Available: IK-204S (Vandal Style Kit): PK-543A, IR-204E, PS-20A, OR-603SS St/Steel Remote Station
Last modification time of the file: June 10 2022 13:07:02.